Sunday 9 March 2014

Terminator Salvation

A reasonable furthering of the franchise. Every plot twist was predictable far in advance, and the writers didn't have the strength to keep the references to and quotes of the original Terminator script to only one tasteful instance, but the story overall worked and paced well between action, suspense and reflection. Sam Worthington's accent was variable as always, Christian Bale's personality was his stock gravelly hard-man, but Anton Yelchin's Kyle Reese and Moon Bloodgood's (what a name) original character Blair found a niche of realism and purpose. The line-less child character of Star might as well have been an inanimate object - I'm sure the young actor did a good job but her presence was purely a tool of the script.

Practical special effects were very good, as were the realism of makeup, prosthetics and VFX in general. Shane Hurlbut's camera team and the grips worked very well to provide both stunning and original shots and moves during action sequences, which were well-constructed and designed - feeling modern in style but with the conviction and planning of the famous set pieces from the original film (remember the firetruck chase? Add a bridge.).

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