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Armstrong and Miller, how could you? A few brief laughs surrounded by a load of misses and some spectacular bad taste. © Channel 4 2011 |
A disappointment. You can tell it’s not written by Armstrong
and Miller themselves, but by Simon Nye – who, after writing the thoughtful Doctor Who episode Amy’s Choice, should know better… but then I suppose he did create Men Behaving Badly. Whatever possessed
the talented comic duo to throw their lot in with this show? The sets and
lighting looked like a bad early 90s soap, the acting was hammy, the premise
flimsy and the jokes swung between dull and bad taste. “Hey, I know what, we
can have a reference to these two toffs attending Oxbridge, then show a
flashback of them bumming in a bush! That’s the kind of insightful satire that
Channel 4 really wants brought to a sitcom pilot set in 1908!” I won't even bother to cover the lame shreds of plot in summary form.
I got the briefest of laughs from a javelin-training montage in the middle that included a period recording of Eye of the Tiger,
but that was about it. An otherwise interesting supporting cast including Pippa
Haywood and Corey Johnson (yet another Doctor
Who link, my does that series get around) was utterly wasted on the script
and premise. It looks like Nye watched The
Armstrong and Miller Show, felt like combining the (originally hilarious) street-talking Second World War fighter
pilots with the improper Regency gentry
sketches and whacked out this result over drinks.
Bland sight gags included an American with shiny white
teeth, repeated throwing of javelins into people, framed crochet panels on the
wall of offensive messages from the prospective in-laws and an intensely
predictable sex tape of the duo’s Butler that was ‘accidentally’ shown after a
home video. The bad taste ranged from the aforementioned bumming, to a
cunnilingus joke that failed to make sense as a sentence and a paragraph of
badly-aimed anachronistic sex references for all the things that Felix and his fiancé
could do without actually having sex before their marriage. “Ooh, we can have
these upper class Georgians talk about anal and pearl necklaces, aren’t we edgy!”
No, Felix and Murdo, you’re a soggy
I couldn't agree more. It felt completely lacklustre and I was soon bored.
ReplyDeleteI may search classical clubbing and 'Eye Of The Tiger' on youtube from time to time. That is all I wish to remember of this though.