Wednesday, 8 January 2014


James Nesbitt takes the lead in this dark, twisting, slightly predictable Moffat romp with visions of Sherlock, which eventually loses momentum and ends up taking itself a bit too seriously.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor

Another Christmas offering, this time heralding the end of the Eleventh Doctor. Honestly though, it's getting a bit tiring.

Monday, 6 January 2014

On the motion of Bullock in an orbit: Gravity

As an astrophysicist, I never quite know how to approach the science in movies. For works like Contact (thankfully written by an esteemed scientist), there's a clear and story-serving divide between the real world and the entertaining fiction inspired by sciency ideas. You can see where the fictions have developed from, and accept them as plausible extensions of reality. I appreciate that scientific accuracy is often rightfully discarded in search of a good story - I'm not puritanical. But movies like Gravity still make me a little fidgety in the science department.